東海大学医学部 抗加齢ドック 教授
政策・メディア研究科 特任教授
久保 明 先生


セロトニンは、脳から分泌される睡眠ホルモンであるメラトニンの原料。メラトニンには、季節のリズム、睡眠・覚醒リズム、ホルモン分泌のリズムといった 概日リズム(サーカディアンリズム)を調整する作用がある。

The of melatonin in animals involves a sequence of starting with , which can be synthesized through the from , found in plants, or obtained from . The initial step in the melatonin biosynthesis pathway is the of -tryptophan's by the enzyme , resulting in the formation of (5-HTP). Subsequently, 5-HTP undergoes , facilitated by and the enzyme , yielding .


英英辞書の英文表記や頻出順位については「Princeton WordNet」のデータを、日本語表記については「日本語WordNet」のデータを使用しています。

Serotonin, an essential , is further converted into by the action of , utilizing . The final step in the pathway involves the of 's by , with as the donor, to produce melatonin.


In , , , and plants, the synthesis of melatonin also involves tryptophan as an intermediate but originates indirectly from the shikimate pathway. The pathway commences with and , and in cells, additionally involves . While the subsequent biosynthetic reactions share similarities with those in animals, there are slight variations in the enzymes involved in the final stages.

The hypothesis that melatonin synthesis occurs within mitochondria and suggests an evolutionary and functional significance of melatonin in cellular and defense mechanisms against oxidative stress, reflecting the molecule's ancient origins and its multifaceted roles across different .

melatonin the melatonin expression.



During the night, melatonin regulates , lowering its levels.

Naturally-occurring melatonin has been reported in foods including to about 0.17–13.46 ng/g, , , , rice, , , , wine, and beer. The consumption of and sour cherries may improve sleep quality. When birds ingest melatonin-rich plant feed, such as rice, the melatonin binds to melatonin receptors in their brains. When humans consume foods rich in melatonin, such as banana, , and , the blood levels of melatonin increase significantly.

Novo Nordisk have used genetically modified to produce melatonin.

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melatoninの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書

In 2022, the discovery of serotonin N-acetyltransferase (SNAT)the penultimate, rate-limiting enzyme in the melatonin biosynthetic pathwayin the archaeon firmly places melatonin biosynthesis in all three major domains of life, dating back to ~4 Gya.

英語名: melatonin 独:Melatonin 仏:mélatonine

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メラトニンは、 時差ボケや不眠症を和らげる生理的機能を示すことや、優れた抗癌・老化防止作用を示すことから、ますます注目を集めている。

Melatonin is produced by α-proteobacteria and photosynthetic cyanobacteria. There is no report of its occurrence in archaea which indicates that melatonin originated in bacteria most likely to prevent the first cells from the damaging effects of oxygen in the primitive Earth's atmosphere.

メラトニン(melatonin)とは? 意味・読み方・使い方

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メラトニン分泌 melatonin secretion《生化学》 production of melatonin ..


Japanese How to use melatonin in a sentence ..

Melatonin has been observed to reduce stress tolerance in in plant-pathogen systems. Danish pharmaceutical company have used genetically modified yeast () to produce melatonin.

英語名, Melatonin Time Release 5mg Extra Strength

Fungal disease resistance is another role. Added melatonin increases in against . Also acts as a on including , , and spp. Decreases the speed of infection. As a , protects from fungi. Dramatically slows and .

melatonin など、英語 の メラトニン のすべての翻訳を検索します。

-induced has been experimentally mitigated in a high-melatonin . Studies conducted on lettuce grown in saline soil conditions have shown that the application of melatonin significantly mitigates the harmful effects of salinity. Foliar application increases the number of leaves, their surface area, increases fresh weight and the content of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, and the content of carotenoids compared to plants not treated with melatonin.

メラトニン -原因、症状、診断、および治療については、MSD ..


メラトニン研究と応用の参照を提供した。Copyright 2023 Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam

Although a role for melatonin as a plant hormone has not been clearly established, its involvement in processes such as growth and photosynthesis is well established. Only limited evidence of endogenous circadian rhythms in melatonin levels has been demonstrated in some plant species and no membrane-bound receptors analogous to those known in animals have been described. Rather, melatonin performs important roles in plants as a growth regulator, as well as environmental stress protector. It is synthesized in plants when they are exposed to both biological stresses, for example, fungal infection, and nonbiological stresses such as extremes of temperature, toxins, increased , drought, etc.